Ancient History
- Title ID 8-AH
- History, Ancient History, World History, American Indian Studies, Anthropology
- 11 Programs
- 33 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
The Greek City-State and DemocracyRunning time is 28 minutes
Greek History and Greek civilization, including the Greek City-State, Democracy, the Parthenon and Athens, are examined in this program on Ancient Greece.
Chapter List
- The Greek City-State
- Greece, home to city states like Corinth and Sparta, gave the world the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey.
- Athens
- Athens, named for Athena, was home to Pericles, Athenian democracy, the Parthenon, the Erechteion, the Acropolis, Socrates, and Plato who recorded the Socratic dialogue.
Greek AccomplishmentsRunning time is 28 minutes
Greek History and Greek civilization are examined in this program on Ancient Greece,
Chapter List
- Greek Accomplishments
- Athens, in ancient Greece, was home to Greece's golden age, which happened between the Persian Wars.
- Greek Architecture
- The Greek columns - Ionic, Doric and Corinthian - were used in Greek Architecture and can be seen in Greek Temples.
- Greek Art
- Black figure pottery and red figured pottery were distinctive forms of Greek Art.
- Greek Theatre
- Greek Theatre, performed at the Theater of Dionysus, showed the tragedies and comedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.
- Greek Literature
- Greek literature began with Homer and his epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, about Odysseus, and also included great writers such as Hesiod, Sappho, Herodotus, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
- Greek Science
- Aristotle, Theophrastus, Euclid, Pythagoras, Democritus, Aristarchus and Ptolemy were the greatest of the Greek scientists.
Ancient Pueblo People: The AnasaziRunning time is 28 minutes
The Ancient Civilization of the Ancient Pueblo People, forerunners of the Pueblo people, is examined in this ancient history program.
Chapter List
- Anasazi Home Land
- The Ancient Pueblo People lived on the Colorado plateau.
- Maize Cultures
- Pueblo people the Four Corners Region lived on corn, or maize, and built in cliff dwellings and, kivas, at Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon.
- Anatomy of a Pueblo
- Pueblos were built at Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon.
- Social Organization
- The maize culture and shamans were important to Pueblo Indians.
- Anasazi Accomplishments
- The Pueblo people, who were famous for rock art and Anasazi pottery as well as the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde, later became known as the Pueblo, Zuni and Hopi.
Ancient Britain: Stonehenge to Celtic Iron Age Hill FortsRunning time is 30 minutes
The History of Britain, including Celts, Iron Age Britain, Britannia, Stonehenge, Neolithic Britain, Britain's Bronze Age and Britain's Iron Age, are included in this program on Ancient Britain.
Chapter List
- Geography and Climate
- British Isles, separated from Europe by the English Channel, provided a peaceful pace for ancient Britons to live in.
- Megalith Builders
- Stonehenge, Silbury Hill and Avebury are examples of Britain's Neolithic henges.
- The Bronze Age
- Britain's Bronze Age was concurrent with Europe's Bronze Age.
- The Iron Age
- In the Britain Iron Age, during the Iron Age, firedogs were made for Celtic society, while Romans wiped out the Druids.
- Art in Iron Age Britain
- In Iron Age Britain, Celts were goldsmiths and silversmiths, while King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table became the dominant mythology.
The IncasRunning time is 29 minutes
The Ancient Civilization of the Inca is examined in this ancient history program.
Chapter List
- Inca Homeland
- Cuzco in the Urubamba River Valley, Peru was the ancient home of the Inca, who would build spectacular monuments like Machu Picchu and develop the staple crop potatoes.
- Rise of the Inca Empire
- Cuzco, Andes Lake, Titicaca, Manco Capac, Pachacuti, Sacsayhuaman, Topa Inca, Inca Empire
- Inca Social and Economic Organization
- Inca geography was vast from end of South America to the other, and messages to rule the Inca Empire were recorded on quipu.
- Accomplishments
- The prestige of the Inca state cab be seen in its Inca art, Inca textiles and building such as Sacsayhuaman and Pisac.
- Machu Picchu
- Machu Piccu, started by Pachacuti contains the scared rock, Intuitana.
America's Prehistoric Civilizations: The Mound BuildersRunning time is 29 minutes
The Ancient Civilization of the Mound Builders, including Poverty Point, Louisiana, is examined in this ancient history program.
Chapter List
- Early Native Americans
- Paleo Indians includes the Clovis culture.
- Poverty Point
- Hunter-Gatherers in America built the only ancient city in the ancient world.
- Woodland Indian Mound Builders
- Woodland Period of American Indians saw the building of the Effigy Mounds and the rise of the Red Ocher people.
- The Mississippi Mound Builders
- Mississippi Mound Builders of the Mississippian Culture built Aztalan, Cahokia, Great Etowah Mounds and giant earthworks.
The MayaRunning time is 42 minutes
In this series on Ancient Civilization and Ancient History, the Maya Empire of the Yucatan Peninsula is discussed, with emphasis on cities like Tulum and on Maya Architecture.
Chapter List
- Homeland and Geography
- The Rain Forest and its fauna, such as the Morelets crocodile and the American alligator, are discussed in this chapter of The Maya.
- Network of City-states
- City-states, Mayan history, the Maya city-states, Mayan pyramids, Chichen Itza, and the idea of the Chac-Mool are discussed in this chapter of Mayan City States.
- Culture - Ceremonial Warfare
- Mayan culture and Mayan ceremonial warfare, including their idea of ritualistic bloodletting, are discussed in this chapter of the Maya.
- Environmental Agriculturalists
- Environmental Mayan Agriculture and the rainforest, as well as Mayan culture and the cyclical nature of time are discussed in this chapter of the Maya, who earned the title of forest gardeners.
- Art and Architecture - Grand Architecture of Their Ceremonial Centers
- Mayan Art, Mayan Architecture, including corbel vaults, Maya city-states, the Yucatan peninsula, and Uxmal are discussed in this chapter of Mayan Art and architecture.
- Mathematics, Astronomy and Writing
- Mayan Mathematics, which had the concept of zero, Mayan Astgronomy, and Mayan Writing, are discussed in this chapter of the Maya.
Ancient Rome: Reexamined - The Rise of the Roman RepublicRunning time is 29 minutes
Roman History, Roman Civilization are examined in this program on Ancient Rome.
Chapter List
- The Rise of the Roman Republic
- The Roman city-state was the center of the Roman Republic, which included the Roman Forum as the political gathering place for the Republic.
- Origin and Homeland of Rome
- Rome, founded on the Tiber River on the Italian peninsula, was said to be founded by Romulus and Remus.
- Roman Society
- Roman Society among Romans was governed buy the client patron system.
- Governing the Republic
- Rome's City State was founded on the Palatine, and its republic form of government included Consuls and the Roman Senate.
- The Aqueducts and Roads
- Many of the Rome's accomplishments, such as the aqueducts and Roman Roads like the Via Appia, were built by Appius Claudius Caecus.
- Latin
- Latin is the Roman language.
Ancient Rome: Reexamined - Military Triumphs and the Death of the Roman RepublicRunning time is 29 minutes
Roman History, Roman Civilization are examined in this program on Ancient Rome.
Chapter List
- Military Triumphs and the Death of the Roman Republic
- The Roman Republic, a self-governing republic, was founded on the Tiber River on the Italian peninsula.
- The Military and War
- Roman legions, the backbone of the Roman military and the success behind the Roman Wars with Carthage, was the place where men such as Julius Caesar, could gain prestige to become consuls and Senators.
- Julius Caesar and the Collapse of the Roman Republic
- Spartacus, Caesar, Sulla, Mary Antony, Brutus, Cleopatra and Pompey, were all historical characters responsible for the fall of the Republic and the rise of Roman Emperors.
- Greek Influence on Rome
- Roman art was influenced by Greece at first before reaching its own heights.
- Greek Gods
- Roman Gods included Jupiter, Mars and Juno.
- Free Speech and Public Debate
- The heart of the Roman Republic was the Roman Forum where Senators like Cicero could address the Republic and its citizens.
Ancient Rome: Reexamined - The Rise and Fall of the Roman RepublicRunning time is 29 minutes
Roman History, Roman Civilization are examined in this program on Ancient Rome.
Chapter List
- The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Imperial Rome was begun by Augustus who ruled from Rome, the center of the Roman Empire.
- Augustus and the Making of the Empire
- Augustus, the first Roman citizen, improved the lives of Roman soldiers.
- Julio-Claudian Dynasty
- Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius were followed by the Flavian Dynasty.
- The Golden Age of Imperial Rome
- Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius were Roman Emperors.
- Christianity in the Roman Empire
- Christianity was based on the teachings of Christ, but it was Sol of Tarsus who spread the teachings of Jesus through the Roman Empire.
- Constantine and Institutionalization of Christianity
- Under Constantine, the Institutionalization of Christianity spread through the Empire, while, Christianity was based on the Roman concept of meritocracy.
The Splendor of Imperial RomeRunning time is 29 minutes
Roman History, Roman Civilization are examined in this program on Ancient Rome.
Chapter List
- The Splendor of Imperial Rome
- The Roman Republic had developed the greatest City-state in the ancient world with many monuments throughout the city, while through its Roman Legions it controlled the Mediterranean.
- The Forums
- The Roman Forum was the heart of Rome.
- The Coliseum
- Roman Coliseum was an arena where gladiators fought.
- Circus Maximus and the Palatine
- The Palatine overlooked the Circus Maximus where Chariot races were held.
- The Pantheon
- The Pantheon was a beautiful example of Roman architecture and engineering.
- Baths
- The most famous of the Roman Baths were the baths of Caracalla.
- Roman Walls
- The mausoleum of Hadrian and the Pyramid of Cestius are examples of Roman architecture.
- Roman Mosaics and Sculpture
- Roman Mosaics and Roman Sculptures were used in Roman architecture.
- Rome's Lasting Accomplishments
- Rome's greatest accomplishments were the Roman arch, the world's first governing constitution, the institutionalization of Christianity, creation of a meritocracy, and the boundaries of modern Europe..
Supplemental Files
- Anasazi- Blackine Master Quiz
- Anasazi- Teachers Guide
- Anasazi- Timeline
- Ancient Britian - Blackline Master Quiz
- Ancient Britian - Teachers Guide
- Ancient Britian - Timeline
- Ancient Greek Democracy - Blackline Master Quiz
- Ancient Greek Democracy - Teachers Guide
- Ancient Greeks- Timeline
- Greek Accomplishments- Blackline Master Quiz
- Greek Accomplishments- Educators Guide
- Greek Accomplishments- Timeline
- List of Famous Ancient Greeks
- MARC Records for AH
- MARC records for the series Ancient History
- Mound Builders Timeline
- Mound Builders- Blackline Master Quiz
- Mound Builders- Teachers Guide
- Pantheon of Greek Gods
- Pantheon of Greeks
- The Incas - Educators Guide
- The Incas- Blackline Master Quiz
- The Incas- Timeline
- Transcription for The Greek City-State and Democracy
- Transcription for Greek Accomplishments
- Transcription for Ancient Pueblo People: The Anasazi
- Transcription for Ancient Britain: Stonehenge to Celtic Iron Age Hill Forts
- Transcription for The Incas
- Transcription for America's Prehistoric Civilizations: The Mound Builders
- Transcription for The Maya
- Transcription for Ancient Rome: Reexamined - The Rise of the Roman Republic
- Transcription for Ancient Rome: Reexamined - Military Triumphs and the Death of the Roman Republic
- Transcription for Ancient Rome: Reexamined - The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic
- Transcription for The Splendor of Imperial Rome