20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History
- Title ID 7-20TP
- History, American History
- 8 Programs
- 54 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
1900 - 1907Running time is 28 minutes
American History, 20th Century American History, United States History, and 20th Century United States History are emphasized in this first 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1900 - The Gold Standard Act is Ratified by Congress
- Putting the U.S. on the Gold Standard - backing the country's money with gold - continued America's Industrial Revolution, making it the industrial leader of the world.
- 1901 - Dr. Walter Reed Discovers Yellow Fever is Transmitted by Mosquitoes
- Dr. Walter Reed, the famous American Scientist, discovered the cure for yellow fever, an accomplishment rewarded by lending his name to the Walter Reed Medical Center.
- 1901 - McKinley is Shot and Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President
- Theodore Roosevelt became president after President McKinley's assassination by Leon Czolgosz, and went on to build the Panama Canal, take on the business trusts, becoming known as the Trust Busting president.
- 1902 - 140,000 Mine Workers Go Out on Strike
- The United Mine Workers and mine owners met with President Theodore Roosevelt, giving labor unions a boost in recognition and legitimacy.
- 1902 - The Government Passes the Newlands Reclamation Act
- The Newlands Reclamation Act affected Western Water suppliers and created the Reclamation Service, which provided projects like the Hoover Dam.
- 1903 - Wright Brothers Fly at Kitty Hawk
- The Wright Brothers daring experiments at Kitty Hawk, made the names of Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright first among American inventors of airplanes.
- 1906 - Upton Sinclair's Novel "The Jungle" is Published
- Upton Sinclair writes The Jungle, as muckrakers tell the truth about the nation.
- 1906 - U.S. Takes Over Construction of the Panama Canal
- Panama Canal was begun by President Teddy Roosevelt, who used the Monroe Doctrine to justify taking the land for the canal.
- 1907 - Frank Lloyd Wright Completes the Robie House in Chicago
- Frank Lloyd Wright, a student of Louis Sullivan, initiates a new American architectural movement.
1908 - 1918Running time is 28 minutes
American History, 20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this second 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1908 - Ford Introduces the Model T
- Henry Ford introduces the Model T and launches the automobile era first begun by American inventor, Charles Duryea.
- 1909 - W.E.B. DuBois Founds the NAACP
- W.E.B. Du Bois launches the NAACP to fight against Jim Crow laws and segregation and to promote Civil Rights for Blacks.
- 1911 - Hollywood Founded
- Hollywood, using the inventions of George Eastman and Thomas Edison, begins its run as the nation's film making capital, launching the careers of giants like Cecil B. DeMille and D.W. Griffith.
- 1913 - 16th Amendment Allows Progressive Income Tax
- 16th Amendment creating the income tax is passed.
- 1913 - 17th Amendment Caps a Period of Election Reforms
- The 17th Amendment allowing the direct election of senators is passed.
- 1914 - Clayton Anti-Trust Act Passed
- The Clayton Antitrust Act is passed, following in the footsteps of the trust busting Teddy Roosevelt.
- 1914-1917 - America Prepares for World War I
- The Battle of Wounded Knee, fought t stop the Ghost Dance, happened after the great Sioux leader, Sitting Bull, was killed, World War I begins but President Woodrow Wilson keeps America out of War until the Arthur Zimmerman telegram demonstrates Germany's involvement in North American politics.
- 1917 - America Enters World War I
- The Battle of Wounded Knee, fought t stop the Ghost Dance, happened after the great Sioux leader, Sitting Bull, was killed, World War I begins but President Woodrow Wilson keeps America out of War until the Arthur Zimmerman telegram demonstrates Germany's involvement in North American politics. During World War I, America's Selective Service Act, drafts men to fight against Germany; and from this war, heroes, such as John Black Jack Pershing and Eddie Rickenbacker, would emerge, as well as the
1919 - 1928Running time is 27 minutes
20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this third 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1919 - Prohibition Begins
- Prohibition would help lead America to Roaring 20s and create the speakeasy and American organized crime, but the 18th Amendment's social engineering did nothing to stop alcoholism.
- 1920 - Women Gain the Right to Vote
- The 19th Amendment allowed women to gain the right to vote, a right fought for by suffragettes first led by Susan B. Anthony in the 19th century.
- 1923 - Teapot Dome Scandal Typifies the Roaring 20's
- Teapot Dome was a strategic naval oil reserve that under the administration of Warren Harding was part of the Teapot Dome Scandal, the epitome of the scandal ridden Harding presidency of the roaring 20's.
- 1924 - J. Edgar Hoover Named Head of the FBI
- The FBI directed by J. Edgar Hoover, was first begun by Teddy Roosevelt, and later focused on organized crime and gangsters.
- 1925 - The Scopes Monkey Trial
- The Scopes Monkey Trial brought together Williams Jennings Bryant and Clarence Darrow, in a trial over the use of Charles Darwin's On the origin of the Species and Evolution.
- 1926 - Goddard Initiates the Space Age
- Robert Goddard, the founder of the space Age and rockets, was a great American inventor.
- 1926 - David Sarnoff Founds NBC
- Radio followed in the footsteps of Samuel Morse and the telegraph, Bell and the telephone, and would become a commercial success under the leadership of David Sarnoff, NBC, and RCA, launching the mass media era.
- 1927 - Charles Lindbergh Flies Across the Atlantic
- Charles Lindbergh, who crossed the Atlantic solo in "The Spirit of St. Louis", earning the nickname Lucky Lindy, promoted airplanes, and later married Anne Spencer Morrow.
1929 - 1943Running time is 28 minutes
20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this fourth 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1929 - "Black Tuesday" Foretells the Great Depression
- On Black Tuesday America's Great Depression began with the stock market crash, ending the roaring 20s.
- 1932 - Amelia Earhart: Record-Breaking Woman Aviator
- Amelia Earhart, one of the America's women pioneers, flew airplanes and became one of the best pilots of the first half of the 20th century.
- 1933 - President Roosevelt's 'One Hundred Days' Begins his New Deal
- With his New Deal policies, Franklin Delano Roosevelt worked to end the Great depression with programs such as the National Recovery Administration.
- 1935 - President Roosevelt Signs the Social Security Act
- The Social Security Act, signed into law by Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Great Depression, established Social Security for all Americans.
- 1936 - Jesse Owens and Joe Louis Debunk Hitler's Claim of Aryan Superiority
- Jesse Owens and Joe Louis showed that black athletes could defeat Germany's greatest athletes before World War II.
- 1940 - Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is Published
- Lost generation author Ernest Hemingway wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Sun Also Rises, and The Old Man and the Sea while Eugene O'Neil wrote, "Long Day's Journey into Night", and F. Scott Fitzgerald, wrote The Great Gatsby.
- 1941 - Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
- After Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, destroying the airfield and naval base at Pearl Harbor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt declares war and Douglas MacArthur vows to return to the Philippines.
1944 - 1952Running time is 28 minutes
20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this fifth 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1944 - D-Day "Operation Overlord"
- D-Day, known as Operation overlord, began the fight in western Europe against fascism and pitted American Generals like George S. Patton and Dwight David Eisenhower against German militarists such as Erwin Rommel, in a war that began for America at Pearl Harbor and was led by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and created The Greatest Generation of Americans in the 20th century.
- 1945 - The U.S. Air Force Drops an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were the only targets of the Atomic bomb developed by Manhattan Project, led Robert Oppenheimer, and used to end the Pacific war in World War II.
- 1947 - The Marshall Plan for Europe
- The Marshall Plan was developed after World War II by George Marshall, and was used to save Europe from Stalin and Russia, though a Cold War developed, which created an Iron Curtain across Eastern Europe and a Western Europe protected by NATO.
- 1950 - President Truman Sends American Troops to the Aid of South Korea
- Korean War, during the administration of Harry Truman, pitted the west against communism as Korea's Communist North Korea fought the capitalist South Korea.
- 1950 - 1953 The Korean War
- The Korean War started when North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel between North Korea and South Korea, and Generals Douglas MacArthur and Matthew Ridgeway during the administration of Harry Truman lead American forces against communism
- 1951 - Alan Freed Introduces Rock and Roll
- Rock and Roll begun by Alan Freed would start the careers of legends such as Bill Haley and Elvis Presley.
1953 - 1963Running time is 28 minutes
20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this sixth 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1953 - John Foster Dulles Becomes Eisenhower's Cold War Warrior
- The Cold War, started under Harry Truman, was continued by cold war warriors John Foster Dulles and Eisenhower, eventually resulting in a stand against communism in the Vietnam War.
- 1954 - Senator Joseph McCarthy is Condemned by the Senate
- Joseph McCarthy used the Red scare and Communists to create a climate of fear in the U.S.
- 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education
- Brown v. Board of Education, reestablished civil rights lost in Plessey V. Ferguson, which allowed Jim Crow laws, but black lawyer Thurgood Marshal led the fight for desegregation which was upheld by the Earl Warren court.
- 1955 - Rosa Parks is Arrested
- Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King led the fight for civil rights during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
- 1960 - Nixon-Kennedy Televised Debates
- The John Kennedy/ Richard Nixon, debates were the first Presidential candidate debates.
- 1962 - Astronaut John Glenn is the First American to Orbit the Earth
- NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, used rockets, such as the mercury rocket, to launch astronauts from Cape Canaveral, which eventually resulted in the first moon landing led by Neil Armstrong.
- 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis
- The Cuban Missile Crisis pitted John Kennedy against Khrushchev and Fidel Castro in America's cold war fight against, communism.
- 1963 - Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech
- Martin Luther King gave his I have a Dream Speech to promote civil rights, while courageous activists like James Meredith, protected by John F. Kennedy's ordering out troops, demonstrated against Jim Crow laws.
1964 - 1973Running time is 28 minutes
20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this seventh 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1964 - President Lyndon Johnson Announces the Great Society
- The Great Society proposed by Lyndon Johnson, resulted in a civil-rights bill, a Voting Rights Act, and Medicare.
- 1964 - Vietnam War: Congress Passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
- America scaled up the Vietnam War with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution proposed by Lyndon Johnson to fight communism and the Viet Cong.
- 1965 - Black Urban Riots Begin
- In the 60s, Black Urban Riots broke out while black leaders such as Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan and Stokely Carmichael as well as groups like the Black Panthers worked to establish Civil Rights.,
- 1968 - Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive
- The Vietnam War's Tet Offensive would mark the end of U.S. begun by Lyndon Johnson, and the rise of Communism begun by Ho Chi Minh.
- 1970 - First Earth Day
- Earth Day, a demonstration by the environmental movement begun by Aldo Leopold, would showcase how industrialization, hurts the ecology, while the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, works to protect the environment.
- 1972 - Watergate
- Watergate, which would prove the downfall of Richard Nixon, was reported by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
- 1973 - Vietnam War: Cease-Fire Ends War
- With Vietnam and the Vietnam War causing protests at schools like Kent State, shootings occurred as the anti communism fervor of the cold war came against the civil rights of protest, eventually civil rights winning out with the Elsberg Papers.
1973 - 1999Running time is 27 minutes
20th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History are emphasized in this eighth 20th Century Turning Points Program.
Chapter List
- 1973 - Second Battle of Wounded Knee
- American Indian movement, AIM, held a protest at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
- 1973 - Roe v. Wade
- Roe v. Wade, the landmark case for woman's rights, involving Jane Roe who sued to get an abortion against DA Henry Wade, would pit Pro Life versus Pro Choice in a struggle over privacy rights that began with Griswold V. Connecticut.
- 1976 - Personal Computers Herald the Post Industrial Age
- Personal computers became irreplaceable because men like Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates, and companies such as Apple computer, Microsoft and IBM made information available for everyone.
- 1983 - The Grenada Conflict
- Grenada, a hot spot in America's cold war against communism, helped Ronald Reagan promote the U.S. Military, and ten years later the ouster of Manuel Noriega from Panama would demonstrate American military superiority.
- 1987 - Alan Greenspan Becomes Chairman of the Federal Reserve
- The Federal Reserve Board and its chairman Alan Greenspan defined the economy of America's post industrial age.
- 1990 - The Gulf War Demonstrates American Military Supremacy
- The Gulf War pitted Iraq, governed by Saddam Hussein, against America, under by George Bush, and in the war, Iraqis were defeated by a coalition under the command of General Norman Schwarzkopf.
- 1991 - End of the Cold War
- The Cold War, ended with the defeat of communism when America led by Ronald Reagan defeated the USSR led by Mikhail Gorbachev.
- 1994 - Whitewater Leads to the Impeachment of President Clinton
- The Whitewater investigation led to the Clinton Impeachment, but Bill Clinton was found not guilty.
- 1999 - Y2K Ends the American Century
- Y2K ends the century on a comical note.
Supplemental Files
- 20th Century T.P. Teachers Guide
- Document-16th Amendment
- Document-17th Amendment
- Document-18th Amendment
- Document-19th Amendment
- Document-Brown v. Board of Education - 1954
- Document-Clayton Antitrust Act - 1914
- Document-Great Society Speech - 1964
- Document-Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - 1964
- Document-Marshall Plan Summary - 1947
- Document-Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Document-Newlands Act - 1902
- Document-Roe v. Wade Edited Decision - 1973
- Document-The Bill of Rights
- Document-The Declaration of Independence
- Document-U.S. Constitution
- Map-Communist Controlled Countries - 1980
- Map-Free Western Europe and Soviet Empire - 1950
- Map-Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Map-Iraq and Kuwait
- Map-Korea and the 38th Parallel
- Map-NATO Countries - 1950
- Map-Soviet Satellite Countries - 1950
- Map-Stock Market Crash before and after Black Tuesday
- Map-Tennessee Valley Authority
- Map-Vietnam and the 17th Parallel
- Map-WWI Central Powers vs. Allied Powers
- Map-WWII Japanese Controlled Land - 1942
- Map-WWII Nazi Controlled Land - 1942
- MARC Records for 20TP
- MARC records for the series 20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History
- Program 1 - Test
- Program 2 - Test
- Program 3 - Test
- Program 4 - Test
- Program 5 -Test
- Program 6 - Test
- Program 7 - Test
- Program 8 - Test
- Timeline Program 1
- Timeline Program 2
- Timeline Program 3
- Timeline Program 4
- Timeline Program 5
- Timeline Program 6
- Timeline Program 7
- Timeline Program 8
- 1900 - 1907
- 1908 - 1918
- 1919 - 1928
- 1929 - 1943
- 1944 - 1952
- 1953 - 1963
- 1964 - 1973
- 1973 - 1999
This eight-part series, arranged in chronological fashion, highlights significant developments in science, art, politics, technology, and popular culture, providing a 'clear overview of the people and events that distinguished the twentieth century.' In the sampled Program One; 1900-1907, viewers learn how the Gold Standard Act influenced the economy and are introduced to the reforms sparked by the 1906 publication of Sinclair Lewis' The Jungle, among other topics. Straightforward narration accents the well-chosen visuals, including archival stilts, newsreel footage, political cartoons, and period movie clips...chapters are clearly marked for easy access, making the series especially useful for students