America's National Monuments: Land of Geologic Wonders - The Pacific Northwest
- Title ID 58-NM3
- History, American History, Science, Biology, Core Science, Social Studies
- 11 Programs
- 20 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Hagerman Fossil Beds National MonumentRunning time is 10 minutes
Geology, history, paleontology and horse fossils are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Hagerman Fossil Beds National monuments are home to fossils of equus simplicidens, the ancestor of the modern horse, and the area is known for its sage brush steppes and Oregon Trail history.
- Nature and Science
- Hagerman Fossil Beds contains fossils from the Pliocene Epic, especially the Hagerman horse, known as equus simplicidens.
- History and Culture
- The Snake River area and the Magic Valley are known for their agriculture.
John Day Fossil Beds National MonumentRunning time is 12 minutes
Geology, history, paleontology and fossils are looked at.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- The John Day Fossil Beds National Monument shows mammalian fossils in the fossil beds found in its three units, Clarno, Painted Hills and Sheep Rock.
- Nature and Science
- The John Day Fossil Beds, located in a high desert ecosystem, were formed by volcanic action and contain fossil plants and animals.
- History and Culture
- The John Day Fossil Beds were originally home to the Paiute Indian tribe, but gold brought in miners to help the north during the Civil War, and later the 1862 Homestead Act brought in pioneers who raised sheep.
Fossil Butte National MonumentRunning time is 12 minutes
Geology, history, paleontology and fossils are examined.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Fossil Butte National Monument contains Fossil Lake, part of the Green River formation, and it has many fish fossils as well as a sagebrush ecosystem, which is home to black tailed jack rabbits and pronghorn.
- History and Culture
- The history of Fossil Butte is the history of the Wild West, cattle country, cowboys, Shoshone Indian Tribe, whose most famous name Sacagawea, helped Lewis and Clark, and Mountain men like Jim Bridger, John Colter and finally, the coming of the Union Pacific Railroad.
- Nature and Science
- Fossil Butte contains Fossil Lake from the Eocene Epic, and it is, one of three lakes in the area with extensive fossils; the other two are Lake Gosiute and Lake Uinta.
Pinnacles National MonumentRunning time is 14 minutes
Geology, tectonic plates and American history are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Pinnacles National Monument, located in the Gabilan Coastal Mountains, is part of an ancient volcano and contains Talus Caves, and varied birdlife, including the California Condor.
- History and Culture
- Pinnacles, found in the Gabilan Mountains, has been home to Spanish settlers, Mexican Californios, American homesteaders, and was written about by the Nobel Prize winning author John Steinbeck, in his classic novel, East of Eden.
- Nature and Science
- Pinnacles, which has a chaparral ecosystem, has part of the San Andreas fault, which caused the famous San Francisco earthquake in 1906, volcano, and it was formed by the collision of the North American Plate, Pacific Plate and Farallon Plate.
Craters of the Moon National MonumentRunning time is 11 minutes
Geology, volcanic action and lava as well as American history are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Craters of the Moon National Monument discusses volcanism, with attention to cinder cones, spatter cones, and the different kinds of lava, known as pahoi hoi, ah ah.
- History and Culture
- Shoshone Indians, Oregon Trail and Goodales cut off are part of the history of Craters of the Moon.
- Nature and Science
- The other worldly landscape of Craters of the Moon, was caused by volcanic eruptions, located in what is known as the Great Rift, and by a hotspot, now located under Yellowstone National Park.
Devils Postpile National MonumentRunning time is 10 minutes
Geology and the history of the California gold rush are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Devils Postpile National Monument examines the volcanic origins of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, also known as the High Sierras.
- History and Culture
- Devils Postpile is an area rich in history of Native Americans, the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill, the Gold rush and mining towns such as Bodie, California.
- Nature and Science
- Devils Postpile was formed by tectonic action and glaciers of the last four ice ages, revealing its beautiful hexagon columns.
Lava Beds National MonumentRunning time is 11 minutes
Geology and American Indian History are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Lava Beds National Monument is about volcanoes and volcanic action and preserves part of the Medicine Lake Volcano, a shield volcano in the Cascade Range, as well as a few pictographs and petroglyphs.
- History and Culture
- California's Lava Beds are part of Western history's Indian Wars, particularly the Modoc War where Modoc Indians led by Captain Jack held off the American Army for 4 months.
- Nature and Science
- Lava Beds is about the formation of the Cascade Mountain Range by the Farallon Oceanic Plate and the Juan de Fuca Plate, and it is about Tule Lake, high desert ecosystem and the, Cascade ecosystem.
Muir Woods National MonumentRunning time is 15 minutes
Biology and American history are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Muir Woods National Monument is about the coastal redwoods and the evergreen sequoia, as well as the efforts of Gifford Pinchot, John Muir, President Teddy Roosevelt to preserve these trees.
- History and Culture
- The old growth redwood forest in Muir Woods is the story of four men - Gifford Pinchot, William Kent, Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir, founder of the preservationism movement and Yosemite National Park and the U.S. Park Service.
- Nature and Science
- The redwoods located in the coastal redwoods live in a Mediterranean climate and survive in part because of the almost daily coastal fog.
Minidoka Internment National MonumentRunning time is 9 minutes
As a part of American history, Minidoka is dedicated to preserving the memory of internment camps that held Japanese Americans, who were internees during WWII, and held in camps that were set up by an executive order given by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Cabrillo National MonumentRunning time is 14 minutes
Biology, geography and American history are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Cabrillo National Monument is located in San Diego and preserves the history that started with the Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, as well as the its biological diversity.
- Nature and Science
- Diverse intertidal ecosystems, tide pools, chaparral, chaparral ecosystem and scrub communities of plants are preserved at Cabrillo.
- History and Culture
- Father Junipero Serra came to San Diego in the Spanish Colony of California and began setting up missions along the el Camino Real; missions that were followed by presidios and haciendas founded by Spanish colonists and soldiers.
Oregon Caves National MonumentRunning time is 17 minutes
Biology and American history are discussed.
Chapter List
- Virtual Tour
- Located in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, Oregon Caves National Monument, with its beautiful stalactites, stalagmites and calcite formations preserves America's only marble cave, as well as the distinctive architecture of the Oregon Caves Chateau.
- History and Culture
- Above ground, Oregon caves preserves the area's long history of logging and forestry, also known as sylviculture and the conservation of the Conservation Movement.
- Nature and Science
- Oregon Caves' old growth forests contain a remarkable biodiversity of trees and plants, including Port Orford Cedar and Douglas Fir.
Supplemental Files
- All National Monuments by Date Founded
- Archaeological Resources Protection Act
- Directions to National Monuments - The Geologic West
- Geologic West Monuments by State
- Geologic West National Monuments by Date Founded
- MARC Records for NM3
- MARC records for the series America's National Monuments: Land of Geologic Wonders - The Pacific Northwest
- National Antiquities Act 1906
- National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- Transcription for Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument
- Transcription for John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
- Transcription for Fossil Butte National Monument
- Transcription for Pinnacles National Monument
- Transcription for Craters of the Moon National Monument
- Transcription for Devils Postpile National Monument
- Transcription for Lava Beds National Monument
- Transcription for Muir Woods National Monument
- Transcription for Minidoka Internment National Monument
- Transcription for Cabrillo National Monument
- Transcription for Oregon Caves National Monument