California has been shaped by tectonic plate activity and volcanic action and is a region isolated from the rest of the country. As a result, it is a region of distinctive geologic features … With a rich and unique human history of American Indians, explorers, settlers and entrepreneurs.
- Title ID 56-CAL
- History, American History, Agriculture, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology, Social Studies, American Indian Studies, Geography
- 5 Programs
- 14 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
Included Programs
California Geography: Coastline, Mountain Ranges and ValleysRunning time is 29 minutes
Here students study U.S. Geography, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Studies of California
Chapter List
- Opening
- California Geography, Northern California, Southern California tectonic plates volcanic activity, earthquakes
- Oceanic Coastline
- California's oceanic coastline, including magnificent haystack formations, the Farallon Islands, California's Channel Islands, inter-tidal regions and the Farallon Oceanic Plate are presented in this chapter.
- Cascades and Klamath Mountain Ranges
- The Klamath Mountains and the Cascade Mountains, including the California peaks Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak, as well as a look at Cascade volcanoes are examined in this chapter.
- California's Coastal Mountain Ranges
- This chapter presents California's Coastal Mountain Ranges.
- California's Mediterranean Climate
- California's Mediterranean climate, including her magnificent redwood forests and Tule elk, are shown in this chapter.
- Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
- This chapter examines California's Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, also known as the Sierras, with emphasis on Yosemite National Park, and her monoliths - Half-Dome and El Capitan.
- Transverse Mountain Ranges
- California's Transverse Mountain Ranges include the San Rafael Mountains, Sierra Madre Mountains, Santa Monica Mountains, San Gabriel Mountains, and the San Bernadino Mountains, which have interesting chaparral ecosystems.
- California's Peninsular Mountain Ranges
- This chapter presents the California Peninsular Mountain Ranges.
- Modoc Plateau
- Modoc Plateau and the Medicine Lake Volcano are presented in this chapter.
- Central Valley
- This chapter presents a few of California's important agricultural valleys - the Central Valley, Sacramento Valley and the San Joaquin Valley and the California's river system made up of the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River.
- The Sonoma and Napa Valleys
- Sonoma Valley and Napa Valley make up the California wine industry.
- Salinas Valley
- This chapter presents the Salinas Valley.
California Geography: Deserts, Rivers, Earthquakes, and Human GeographyRunning time is 29 minutes
Here students study U.S. Geography, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Studies of California
Chapter List
- Open
- California's Geography can be divided into Northern California and Southern California and is a result of tectonic plates and tectonic activity causing earthquakes and volcanic activity,
- Basin and Range
- Basin and Range, which includes the Great Basin area of the U.S. is rich in mineral wealth and contains the mining ghost town of Bodie, California.
- Mojave Desert
- The Mojave Desert, defined geographically by the presence of Joshua trees, contains Joshua Tree National Park and Death Valley National Park.
- The Sonoran Desert:
- The Sonoran Desert is the only place in the world where the saguaro cactus live.
- The Colorado Desert
- In the Colorado Desert lie the Salton Sea, the Imperial Dunes and the Imperial Valley which is irrigated by the All American Canal.
- The Los Angeles Basin
- This chapter presents the Los Angeles Basin which contains the sprawling city of Los Angeles and Hollywood.
- The San Joaquin and Sacramento River System
- The San Joaquin River and the Sacramento River provide water and power for San Francisco Bay area and the central Valley. for
- San Francisco Bay
- The San Francisco Bay is one of the great estuaries on the planet and contains three major California cities - San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose.
- The Colorado River
- In addition to the Colorado River, which runs through the southern tip of California and contains Hoover Dam, and Parker Dam, and provides water for California irrigation, California also has the fresh water lakes, Mono Lake and, Tule Lake.
- Earthquakes
- California earthquakes, are a result of plate tectonics, including the Pacific Plate, North American Plate and the San Juan de Fuca Plate which affect the San Andreas Fault.
- Human Geography
- California's capital is Sacramento and it has three large coastal cities, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, while its Silicon Valley has spearheaded America's entry into the electronic age.
California History: The First Inhabitants to the American Civil WarRunning time is 32 minutes
Students study California History.
Chapter List
- Paleo Archaic Indians
- The M Modoc Plateau has superb evidence of California's Paleo Archaic Indians and Archaic Indians.
- American Indian Tribes of California
- California Indian Tribes entered the California Formative Period, where they formed complex civilizations; and later were visited by a Chinese Monk named Hwui Shan in 500 A.D. and later Paiute and Shoshone tribes came to the Great Basin; and much later the Spanish Mission system destroyed these cultures and left in their wake the Mission Indians.
- Early Spanish Exploration
- Spanish Exploration began when Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo landed at San Diego, then 200 years later Spanish American colonies were founded in California.
- Spanish Mission System in California
- Spanish Mission, Alta California, also known as Upper California, was north of Baja California, and it was here that the Spanish Missions were begun by Father Junipero Serra, who founded the Alcala Mission, also known as the San Diego Mission, before setting up a series of missions along the El Camino Real, The Royal Road.
- Spanish Settlement in California
- California was settled with Presidios and haciendas by colonists calling themselves Californios, of whom one of the most famous was Juana Briones who founded Yerba Buena, which became. San Francisco
- The Arrival of the Americans
- Americans came to Alta California, or Mexican California, using the California Trail, which was dangerous and was site of one of the most infamous tragedies of the period, the Donner Party.
- The Mexican American War and the California Bear Flag Revolution
- The California Bear Flag Revolution during the Mexican American War created the, California Republic.
- The Gold Rush
- James Marshall discovered gold in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and started the California Gold Rush, which created boomtowns like Bodie, California.
- Chinese Immigration
- This chapter shows how Chinese Immigration led to California Chinatowns.
- The Hispanic Folk Hero Joaquin Murieta
- Among California Hispanics, Joaquin Murieta, was one of the most famous.
- Statehood
- California statehood happened in 1850.
- California and the Civil War
- California learned of the start of the Civil War by the Pony Express.
California History: The Wild West to the 21st CenturyRunning time is 37 minutes
Students study California History.
Chapter List
- California and the Wild West
- During California's Wild West, Wells Fargo was founded in San Francisco.
- California and the Transcontinental Railroad
- The Pacific Railroad Act authorized the Union Pacific Company and Central Pacific Company, led by Leland Stanford to build the Transcontinental Railroad; and the railroad through the Sierra Nevadas was built by Chinese Americans.
- California's Indian Wars
- California's Indian Wars included the Mariposa Indian War, the War for the Redwoods and war of the Modocs le by Captain Jack.
- 19th Century Agriculture
- Aided by Chinese immigrants, 19th century California Agriculture began in the Central Valley and along the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rives and would eventually lead to the California agribusiness.
- Japanese Immigration
- California's Japanese immigration began in the 1880s and would lead to Japanese Americans becoming major farm owners and workers in the 20th century.
- Conservation to Preservation
- The conservation and Preservation movements began under the direction of John Muir, Gifford Pinchot and Teddy Roosevelt and would lead to the Sierra Club, Muir Woods National Monument, and the Sierra Club.
- Levi Strauss and California Manufacturing
- Levi Strauss, a leading Jewish American entrepreneur, would create Blue Jeans
- California Agriculture and Wineries in the 20th Century
- California Agriculture includes the California Wineries located in the Sonoma Valley and the Napa Valley.
- California's Movie Industry
- California's movie industry would begin in Hollywood with the movies Squaw Man and Birth of a Nation.
- The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- This chapter examines the 1906 California earthquake.
- The Great Depression
- The Great Depression and the plight of the , Okies was chronicled by John Steinbeck, and later Hollywood would extend its entertainment reach into radio and television.
- California and the Central Valley Project
- California's irrigation canals bring water to its agricultural valleys - the Central Valley, the Salinas Valley and the Imperial Valley.
- World War II and the Cold War
- California industries such as Douglas Aircraft and Hughes Aircraft would be used in World War II and the Cold War.
- Cesar Chavez and the Farm Workers
- Cesar Chavez organized the California farm workers into the United Farm Workers to help farm workers get better wages and concessions in California agriculture.
- Silicon Valley
- The Santa Clara Valley, also known as Silicon Valley has towns like Palo Alto and San Jose where technology companies, such as Apple, Adobe and Cisco, created the Dot-com boom.
- California in the 21st Century
- In the 21st century, Los Angeles is the center of trade with and San Francisco is the financial capital of the Pacific Asian markets.
California's Climate Change ImpactsRunning time is 30 minutes
Students study California climate and global warming.
Chapter List
- Open
- This chapter looks at the importance of climate change to California
- Introduction to Climate Change
- Fossil fuels have created climate change, and as a result California is experiencing climate change impacts.
- California's Terrestrial Ecosystems and Climate Change
- California weather and its Mediterranean climate have helped the state develop interesting pocket ecosystems, including the redwood forests and pocket ecosystems in the Klamath Mountains and the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
- California's Oceanic Ecosystems and Climate Change
- This chapter examines California's oceanic ecosystems, ocean warming, El Nino, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
- Sea Level Rise
- As sea level rises, California's coastline will be affected, including its beautiful salt marshes, coastal cities like San Diego, the Los Angeles Basin, San Francisco Bay, and the Bay's levees.
- California's Fresh Water Problem
- California fresh water, used for California agriculture through California irrigation in the Central Valley by way of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers is dependent upon the Sierras' snow level, snow pack and snow melt to fill California reservoirs, and currently the state over-drafts these resources.
- Fire
- California's Fire Hazard is made worse by the Santa Ana winds.
- The Future
- California's alternative energy industry is well positioned to provide alternative energy to the state.
Supplemental Files
- Blackline Master Quiz for California Geography - Coastline Mountain Ranges and Valleys
- Blackline Master Quiz for California History - FirstInhabitants to the American Civil War
- Blackline Master Quiz for California's Climate Change Impacts
- California Historical Timeline
- California's Cascade Volcanoes
- MARC Records for CAL
- MARC records for the series California
- Teacher's Guide - California Geography - Coastline Mountain Ranges and Valleys
- Teacher's Guide - California History - The First Inabitants to the American Civil War
- Teacher's Guide - California's Climate Change Impacts
- Transcription for California Geography: Coastline, Mountain Ranges and Valleys
- Transcription for California Geography: Deserts, Rivers, Earthquakes, and Human Geography
- Transcription for California History: The First Inhabitants to the American Civil War
- Transcription for California History: The Wild West to the 21st Century
- Transcription for California's Climate Change Impacts