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18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History

As the 18th century dawned on the North American continent, four powers, the French, the Spanish, the British and the Native Americans were competing to see who would control this remarkable land. However after half a century of almost continuous wars, a new entity emerged: The Americans. It would be the Americans not the other four powers who would control what would become the United States. In the process, the Americans created, by the end of the 18th century, the greatest experiment in self-government the world has ever seen.
  • Title ID 5-18TP
  • History, American History
  • 8 Programs
  • 42 Supplemental Files
  • 10th Grade through Post Secondary
  • Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Included Programs
Supplemental Files
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Included Programs

1701 - 1713Running time is 27 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this first 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1701-The English Board of Trade Creates Royal Colonies
Royal Colonies were an important part of founding America, including Plymouth Rock and Massachusetts Bay Colony established by the Puritans.
1701- French Return Soldiers to the North American Interior
From the early French colonies, French trappers made their way through the Straits of Mackinac into the present day U.S.
1701 -Yale College is Founded
Yale established the educational structure that would be an integral part of founding America and the American colonies.
1702 - Colonists Sack St. Augustine
Spanish colonies, especially St. Augustine, would be a strategic point in Queen Anne's War.
1702 - Cotton Mather publishes "The Ecclesiastical History of New England"
Cotton Mather's history of the, Massachusetts Bay Colony and Puritans would be important to understanding the founding of America.
1709 - Quakers Erect a Meeting House in Boston
The Quakers and William Penn established Pennsylvania colony an important part of founding America.
1713 - Treaty of Utrecht
The Treaty of Utrecht ended Queen Anne's War but would set the stage for the War of Jenkins Ear 30 years later.
1713 - Capt Robinson Designs and Constructs a Schooner
The schooner, designed by Captain Andrew Robinson, showed that American entrepreneurs were an important pat of a successful colonization of North America.

1714 - 1735Running time is 27 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this second 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1718 - New Orleans is founded
French colonies and especially, New Orleans, founded by Robert LaSalle, would establish the vitally important French Louisiana colony.
1723 - The Maryland Assembly Requires Free Public Schools in Every County
Founding America was based in part on the avant garde system of American Education.
1729 - The City of Baltimore is Established
Founding America, was based in part on the creation of cities such as Baltimore and later forts such as Fort McHenry on Chesapeake Bay.
1732 - The First Stagecoach Line
American transportation would lead the way to the founding of America, especially the stagecoach.
1732 - Georgia Becomes the 13th Colony
James Oglethorpe founded the Georgia colony, which with Carolina colonies, would go onto establish the South centered around the deep south colony of Georgia.
1732 - Influenza Sweeps Through the Colonies
American Colonies suffered disease outbreaks such as influenza and smallpox, for which Cotton Mather led the way in finding an inoculation.
1733 - The British Parliament Passes the Molasses Act
The causes of the American Revolution would lay in British Parliament unfair legislation such as the Molasses Act.
1735 Peter Zenger Acquitted of Libel in New York
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the colonists cry for a Free Press, first established by Peter Zenger, and which later would become a cherished American liberty as well as one of the civil rights of the U.S. Constitution.

1736 - 1750Running time is 26 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this third 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1739 - The Great Awakening Begins
George Whitefield, founder of the Colonial Great Awakening, would establish throughout the colonies the desire for Freedom of Religion, a part of the U.S. constitution.
1739 - Black Uprising in South Carolina
Slavery in the 18th century would lead to slave revolts.
1739 - The War of Jenkins Ear Begins
The War of Jenkins Ear would bring colonial militias into the European Wars and eventually lead to the Founding of America and the United States.
1739-41 - New Explorations
French traders, Paul Mallet and Pierre Mallet, as well as Vitus Bering would expand the frontiers of Colonial America.
1747 - The Ohio Land Company is Established
The Ohio Land Company, based within the Ohio River Basin, helped trigger the French and Indian war, and led to the expansion of colonies in the founding of America.
1750 - Native American Cultures Dominate the Great Plains
The Pueblo Indian revolt led directly to the creation of the American Indian horse culture in the 18th century.
1750 - Parliament Passes Iron Act
Britain's Iron act would help start the, American Revolution because of its harsh effect on colonial iron manufactures in Pennsylvania's Schuylkill Valley.

1750 - 1766Running time is 27 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this fourth 18th Century Turning Points Program

Chapter List
1750 - The Flatboat and Conestoga Wagon
American enterprise is seen in the Conestoga wagon and the flatboat.
1754 - The Albany Plan of Union
The Albany plan of Union, introduce by Benjamin Franklin, would help lead to the American Revolution.
1754 -1763 The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War produced American war leaders such as George Washington, and in founding America, led to the American Revolution.
1760 - James Otis Fights for the Security of People in Their Homes
James Otis fought against illegal searches, a pivotal issue in the American Revolution, and later part of Civil Rights in the U.S. Constitution.
1763 - Ottawa Chief Pontiac's War for Independence
Chief Pontiac, an America Indian leader, led Native Americans in a war of independence in the old Northwest and Kentucky against British forces and American colonists.
1765 - The Stamp Act is Passed
Parliament's Stamp Act would lead to the American Revolution and help create revolutionary leaders such as Patrick Henry and the Sons of Liberty.
1765 - Samuel Adams Forms the Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams, John Hancock and the Sons of Liberty fomented rebellion through acts like the Boston Tea Party, eventually leading to the American Revolution.
1766 - John Singleton Copley Paints "Boys with the Squirrel"
The American artist, such as John Singleton Copley and Charles W. Peale, captured American life.

1767 - 1776Running time is 27 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this fifth 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1767 - Daniel Boone Views Kentucky
Daniel Boone helped founding America by leading pioneers through the Cumberland Gap, along the Wilderness Road to Kentucky.
1768 - Indiana Co. buys 1,800,000 acres from the Iroquois
The Indiana Company, sought land from Indians in the Old Northwest Territory, circumventing Britain's Proclamation line along the Appalachian Mountains.
1769 - Father Juniper Serra Founds the San Diego Mission
Father Juniper Serra, founded San Diego and helped foster along the El Camino Real, Spanish colonies and the California mission system.
1770 - The Liberty Pole Riot and the Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre and the Liberty pole riot jump started the American Revolution and helped produce heroes like Paul Revere in the Revolutionary War.
1773 - The Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party, a result of the Townshend Revenue Act, led to the American Revolution, the Revolutionary War.
1774 - The First Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia
The Continental Congress paved the way for the American Revolution by resisting the Intolerable Acts, and led by men such as Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, John Adams, and George Washington created a new nation, the United States.
1775 - Battle of Lexington and Concord
Concord and Lexington started the Revolutionary War, after Paul Revere's ride, a heroic act of the American Revolution.
1775 - George Washington Commands Continental Army
George Washington was appointed leader of the Continental Army, while the Battle of Bunker Hill became the first full scale military battle of the Revolutionary War at the beginning of the American Revolution.
1776 - Thomas Paine Publishes "Common Sense"
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense outlining the importance of the American Revolution.
1776 - The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence, which started the American Revolution and would become the foundation for the U.S. constitution while establishing the country's Independence Day, was written by Thomas Jefferson, as a fundamental doctrine of civil rights and was signed on July 4th.

1776 - 1783Running time is 28 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this sixth 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1776 - Washington Crosses the Delaware
Washington crosses the Delaware in 1776 establishing George Washington as a true hero and leader during the Revolutionary War, while the importance of the American Revolution is written about by Thomas Paine.
1777 - Congress Mandates the American Flag
Betsy Ross sews the flag of the American Revolution.
1777 - Second Battle of Saratoga
The Colonies' Revolutionary War turns around at the Battle of Saratoga, beginning the march to a successful American Revolution built on the backbone of the colonial militia.
1777 - John Paul Jones Sets Sail
John Paul Jones fought for the Revolutionary war and helped to make the American Revolution successful by showing the American Navy could fight.
1777-78 - The Winter at Valley Forge
From the darkest days of Valley Forge in the second year of the Revolutionary War, the American Revolution and its military leaders like George Washington and Baron Frederick Von Steuben, as well as heroines like Mary Ludwig Hayes - Molly Pitcher - never gave up on the ideal of freedom and as a result, battles like the Battle of Monmouth would be won by the colonies.
1778 - George Rogers Clark Captures Kaskaskia
George Rogers Clark during the American Revolution, the Revolutionary War, led an attack on Kaskaskia at the bidding of Patrick Henry, in order to secure the Old Northwest Territory for the colonies.
1781 - The Siege of Yorktown
Yorktown ended the Revolutionary War, but only after military leaders of the American Revolution, under the command of George Washington, defeated the British at Cowpens, and sent British general Lord Cornwallis into retreat to Virginia.
1783 - The Treaty of Paris and the End of The Revolutionary War
The Treaty of Paris ends the American Revolution.

1783 - 1790Running time is 27 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this seventh 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1783 - Noah Webster Issues "Blue-backed Speller"
Noah Webster writes his Blue-backed Speller.
1785 - 1787 - Continental Congress Passes Land Ordinance Acts
The Continental Congress enacts the Land Ordinance Acts for the Old Northwest Territory.
1786 - Shay's Rebellion
Shays' Rebellion, led by Daniel Shays, leads to a new U.S. Constitution.
1787 - The United States Constitution is Created
The Constitution replaces the, Articles of Confederation, when leaders such as George Washington, Ben Franklin and James Madison, meet to write a new U.S. Constitution, with the support of Thomas Jefferson and the authors of the Federalist Papers.
1789 - George Washington Elected First President
George Washington is the first U.S. President and John Adams is the vice president.
1789 - James Madison Proposes the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights, written by James Madison, presents Constitutional amendments, guaranteeing among others, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of speech.
1789 - Alexander Hamilton becomes Secretary of the Treasury and Shapes America's Modern Industrial E
Alexander Hamilton, protecting American Businesses and American inventors, is killed by Aaron Burr after founding the Bank of the United States.
1790 - Benjamin Franklin Dies
Benjamin Franklin, diplomat, statesman and scientist, is also the author of Poor Richard's Almanac.

1791 - 1799Running time is 25 minutes

American History, 18th Century American History, United States History, and 18th Century United States History begin in this eighth 18th Century Turning Points Program.

Chapter List
1792 - Benjamin Banneker saves the White House
Benjamin Banneker, who helped design Washington D.C., is the first Black American Scientist.
1793 - Congress enacts a Fugitive Slave Law
The Fugitive Slave Act would be used as a bargaining chip for passage of the Bill of Rights, but it would promote Slavery, the buying and selling of slaves, in order to get Americans' cherished Civil Rights into the Constitution.
1794 - The Whiskey Rebellion is Put Down
The Whiskey Rebellion is put down by George Washington.
1794 & 1795 - The Jay and Pinckney Treaties Protect America's Westward Expansion
The John Jay Treaty and the Pinckney Treaty are negotiated by John Jay and Thomas Pinckney.
1796 - John Adams becomes the Second President of United States Inaugurating the Two-Party System
The election of John Adams as President founded America's Two-party system, as the former Vice President, created dissidents - Republicans, and supporters - Federalists.
1797 - U.S.S. Constitution is Launched
The U.S.S. Constitution helped set in motion an American Navy and Marine Corps.
1798 - Alien and Sedition Acts Usher in a Bleak Period of American Political Freedom
The Sedition Act, and Alien Acts disrupt American Civil Rights.
1799 - Eulogy for George Washington Ends the Century
George Washington - first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.

Supplemental Files

18th Century Teachers Guide
18th Century Test - Blackline Master
Document-Alien Act
Document-Declaration of Independence
Document-Excerpts from Common Sense
Document-Excerpts from Federalist Papers
Document-Fugitive Slave Law of 1793
Document-Iron Act Arguments
Document-Molasses Act
Document-Pinckney Treaty
Document-The Bill of Rights
Document-The Jay Treaty
Document-The Land Ordinance of 1785
Document-The Sedition Act
Document-The Stamp Act
Document-Treaty of Paris
Document-Treaty of Utrect
Document-U.S. Constitution
Document-Washingtons Farewell Address
Map-British Territory Won (War of Jenkins Ear 1739)
Map-French and Spanish Forts and Settlements in North America
Map-Land Ceded to Britain (French And Indian War)
Map-Louisiana Territory and Purchase
Map-Major Revolutionary War Battle Sites
Map-North America British Territory Circa 1800
Map-North American Spanish, French and British Territories Circa 1700
Map-Old Northwest Territory
Map-Original 13 British Colonies
Map-Territory Gained in the Revolutionary War
Map-The Ohio River Basin
Map-Triangular Trade Routes between Europe, the Caribbean, Africa and North America
Map-United States and Its Territories Circa 1799
Map-Wilderness Road
MARC Records for 18TP
MARC records for the series 18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History
1701 - 1713
1714 - 1735
1736 - 1750
1750 - 1766
1767 - 1776
1776 - 1783
1783 - 1790
1791 - 1799

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