History's Turning Points I
- Title ID 49-TP
- History, World History
- 13 Programs
- 14 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Transatlantic

Included Programs
History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE OF SALAMIS-480 BCRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents Persia, Greece, the Persian leader Xerxes, and the Athenian General Themistocles at the sea battle Salamis between the Greeks and Persians.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA-221 BCRunning time is 27 minutes
This program presents China, the Great Wall, Emperor Qin, the First Chinese Empire, Terracotta Warriors, and Chinese dynasties.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE OF ACTIUM-31 BCRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents Ancient Rome and the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire begun by Julius Caesar and continued by his nephew Octavian, also known as Augustus, in the battle of Roman legions at the Battle of Actium against Marc Antony and the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE CONQUEST OF SPAIN-711 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the Visigoths in Dark Ages Spain led by King Roderick, in a fight against the Islam religion of Mohammad, and the Arabs led by Tariq ibn-Ziyad and Musa Ibn Nusayr, who conquered Spain in 711.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE BLACK DEATH-1347 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the Black Death, the plague, that was carried by rats in Medieval Europe.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE SIEGE OF CONSTANTINOPLE-1453 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the fall of Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as Byzantium, and the home of Orthodox Christianity, by Muslims of the Ottoman Empire in a Holy War led by Mehmed II; and now the city is called Istanbul.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE CONQUEST OF THE INCAS-1532 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the fall of the Inca and their Inca Empire, when Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizzaro, who conquered them, leaving only the lost citadel of Machu Picchu.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS-1614 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the marriage of Pocahontas, the daughter of Powhatan, to John Rolfe at the colony of Jamestown, as well as the significance of colonial leader John Smith, the arrival of Blacks, African Americans, the creation of Black slaves, and the lives of American Indians.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE FOR CANADA-1759 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the loss of France's North American colony, New France in Canada during the French and Indian Wars, to England whose forces were led by Prime Minister William Pitt and General James Wolfe, who won the Battle of Louisburg and defeated French General Marquis de Montcalm at the Battle of Quebec.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: ZULUS AT WAR-1879 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the Zulu, led by chieftains Cetshwayo and Chaka Zulu, in Southeastern Africa, in their war against the British led by Theophilus Shepstone, in battles such as Isandlwana in 1879.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE OF TSUSHIMA-1905 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the loss by Russia's Imperial Fleet led by Admiral Rozhestvensky, against Japan's Imperial Navy led by Admiral Togo in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 at the Battle of Tsushima, a war Japan won after modernizing Japan's culture and samurai following the arrival of America's Commodore Perry in 1854.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION-1917 A.D.Running time is 26 minutes
This program presents the fall of the Russian Empire under Tsar Nicholas II, as a result of Russia's devastating defeat in Russo-Japanese War, and the rise of the Bolsheviks led by Lenin, who ousted the moderate revolutionaries under Kerensky and created the Marxist/Communist state of the Soviet Union.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
History's Turning Points I: THE ATOMIC BOMB-1945 ADRunning time is 26 minutes
This program presents the creation of the Atomic bomb by an American team at Los Alamos led by Robert Oppenheimer, during World War II, and the dropping of Atomic bombs by the Enola Gay at Hiroshima and a different plane at Nagasaki.
Chapter List
- Brasilia
Supplemental Files
- MARC Records for TP
- MARC records for the series History's Turning Points I
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE OF SALAMIS-480 BC
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA-221 BC
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE OF ACTIUM-31 BC
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE CONQUEST OF SPAIN-711 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE BLACK DEATH-1347 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE SIEGE OF CONSTANTINOPLE-1453 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE CONQUEST OF THE INCAS-1532 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS-1614 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE FOR CANADA-1759 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: ZULUS AT WAR-1879 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE BATTLE OF TSUSHIMA-1905 AD
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION-1917 A.D.
- Transcription for History's Turning Points I: THE ATOMIC BOMB-1945 AD
"Thirteen pivotal historical events, ranges across the centuries and the continents. Excellent production. Excellent series...brings immediacy to the towering moments of world history."