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America's National Monuments: The Historic South

Designated by U.S. Presidents, America's National Monuments preserve significant pieces of the country's history, ecology, geology and beauty for all Americans.
  • Title ID 44-NM2
  • History, American History, Science, Social Studies
  • 10 Programs
  • 22 Supplemental Files
  • 10th Grade through Post Secondary
  • Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Included Programs

Included Programs

Poverty Point National MonumentRunning time is 12 minutes

American Indian Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
Poverty Point tells the story of a Mound Builder culture.,
Science and Nature
The Coastal plain and the Mississippi River embayment are examined.
History and Culture
The Poverty Point Culture, a hunter-gatherer culture, built incredible earth works.

Russell Cave National MonumentRunning time is 12 minutes

American Indian Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
Russell Cave and the science of caves are discussed.,
Science and Nature
In the Appalachian Mountains there are many Caves, and cave formations.
History and Culture
Nomadic hunters as well as Native American of the Archaic Period and the Woodland Period used the atlatl to hunt game.

Ocmulgee National MonumentRunning time is 11 minutes

American Indian Studies and Anthropology are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
The Mississippian Culture built the Great Temple Mound at Ocmulgee.
Science and Nature
The Piedmont and the Blue Ridge Mountains of the Appalachians, are separated at the fall line.
History and Culture
Mississippian Culture created the Mississippian City State, pyramidal mounds, ceremonial mounds, burial mounds, and earth works.

Fort Matanzas and Castillo de San Marcos National MonumentsRunning time is 21 minutes

Hispanic Studies and Environmental Studies are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
St. Augustine, founded by on Pedro Menendez, contains the Castillo de San Marcos, and nearby is an outlying fort, Fort Matanzas.
Science and Nature
Hardwood Hammocks, coastal hammocks and the manatee are part of the unique ecosystem of this National Monument.
History and Culture
Florida, discovered by Ponce de Leon, became the site of the Spanish colony of St. Augustine, founded by Pedro Menendez, and the Castillo de San Marcos.

Fort Frederica National MonumentRunning time is 13 minutes

Environmental Studies is discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
The Georgia Colony was founded by James Oglethorpe, who order the building of Fort Frederica near St. Simon.
Science and Nature
This national monument has a sub-tropical climate with coastal hammocks and Barrier Islands.
History and Culture
The British Carolina colony needed a buffer to protect it from the Spanish, so the Georgia Colony was founded and Fort Frederica was built, where the , Battle of Bloody Marsh was fought.

Virgin Islands National MonumentsRunning time is 22 minutes

Black Studies, Oceanography and Environmental Studies are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
The Virgin Islands, St. John, St. Thomas, St. Croix and Buck Island, as well as the coral reef and slavery are discussed.
Science and Nature
The Caribbean Islands, volcanic action, plate tectonics, their tropical climate, ocean ecosystems, coral reef, global warming, and coral bleaching are examined.
History and Culture
The Danish West Indies were the site of sugar cane plantations, slavery, the slave trade and slave markets, all made possible through the Golden Triangle trade.

George Washington Birthplace National MonumentRunning time is 13 minutes

Black Studies and Oceanic Studies are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
George Washington, Chesapeake Bay tidewater land, Virginia plantations and the tobacco plantation are discussed.
Science and Nature
The importance of the Chesapeake Bay and the region's major estuary is examined.
History and Culture
At the George Washington National Monument, the tobacco plantation, slavery, the Virginia colony and Martha Washington are profiled.

George Washington Carver National MonumentRunning time is 16 minutes

Black Studies and Geology are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
George Washington Carver and slavery re examined at the George Washington Carver National Monument.
Science and Nature
Ozark Mountains, also known as the Ozarks, and the Ozark Highlands are all part of the Appalachian Mountains uplift millions of years ago.
History and Culture
Black scientist George Washington Carver was born into slavery, during the Civil War, a war that came out of the Dred Scott decision which nullified the, Missouri Compromise.

Fort Sumter National MonumentRunning time is 10 minutes

Military History and Environmental Studies are discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
At Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie the Civil War is profiled.
Science and Nature
Plant succession resulting in a climax forest of a coastal hardwood forest is demonstrated at Fort Sumter National Monument.
History and Culture
Civil War, Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy, Fort Sumter, Confederate troops, the Port of Charleston and Robert E. Lee are discussed.

Fort Pulaski National MonumentRunning time is 11 minutes

Military History is discussed.

Chapter List
Virtual Tour
Before the start of the Civil War, Robert E. Lee was the engineer in charge of strengthening the fortifications at Fort Pulaski.
Science and Nature
Salt marshes, estuaries and mangroves are part of the National Monument's ecosystem.
History and Culture
Fort Pulaski was a military fort and coastal fortification, controlled by the Confederate army at the start of the Civil War, however a cannon battle destroyed its masonry fortifications and the North controlled.

Supplemental Files

Historic South - Blackline Master Quizzes
Historic South - Directions to National Monuments
Historical Document - Archaeological Resources Protection Act
Historical Document - National Antiquities Act 1906
Historical Document - National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
Historical Document - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
List of National Monuments by Date founded
MARC Records for NM2
MARC records for the series America's National Monuments: The Historic South
Presidential Bios for Southern National Monuments
Southern Monuments by Date and President
Southern Monuments by State
Teacher Guide For America's National Monuments - The Historic South
Transcription for Poverty Point National Monument
Transcription for Russell Cave National Monument
Transcription for Ocmulgee National Monument
Transcription for Fort Matanzas and Castillo de San Marcos National Monuments
Transcription for Fort Frederica National Monument
Transcription for Virgin Islands National Monuments
Transcription for George Washington Birthplace National Monument
Transcription for George Washington Carver National Monument
Transcription for Fort Sumter National Monument
Transcription for Fort Pulaski National Monument