History's Ancient Legacies
- Title ID 36-HAL
- History, Ancient History, World History, Social Studies, Archaeology
- 6 Programs
- 7 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Cromwell

Included Programs
Volume 1 : POMPEIIRunning time is 26 minutes
This program tells the story of the destruction of the Roman Empire city Pompeii, by the volcano Vesuvius.
Volume 2: STONEHENGERunning time is 25 minutes
This program tells the story of the building of Stonehenge and its standing stones by Stone Age,, Paleolithic peoples led by Druids.
Volume 3: THE AZTECS AND THE MAYANSRunning time is 27 minutes
This program tells the story of the Maya and the Mayan City States, as well as the Aztecs and their leader Montezuma, who were defeated by the Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes.
Volume 4: ANCIENT ROMERunning time is 26 minutes
This program tells the story of Rome, the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, the Roman Legions, Roman Gods, and Roman society as well as early Christianity and Roman leaders, Augustus and Constantine.
Volume 5: HADRIAN'S WALLRunning time is 30 minutes
This program tells the story of Hadrian and Hadrian's Wall, which was built by the Roman Empire and the Roman legions to keep out the Northern England barbarians.
Volume 6: THE GREAT PYRAMIDSRunning time is 28 minutes
This program tells the story of Egypt, Egyptian Gods, ancient Egyptians, the Pyramids, including the, Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx, as well as mummies.
Supplemental Files
- MARC Records for HAL
- MARC records for the series History's Ancient Legacies
- Transcription for Volume 1 : POMPEII
- Transcription for Volume 2: STONEHENGE
- Transcription for Volume 3: THE AZTECS AND THE MAYANS
- Transcription for Volume 4: ANCIENT ROME
- Transcription for Volume 5: HADRIAN'S WALL
- Transcription for Volume 6: THE GREAT PYRAMIDS
"Issues that are raised in this production that makes vivid a historic event."