Core Physics Modern Physics
Physics is the study of the elemental constituents of the universe. It deals with matter, energy, forces, space and time. In the long history of physics, a series of discoveries and laws laid the foundation for how the universe works. In Core Physics these discoveries and laws are laid out in chronological order, each naturally building on the former.
- Title ID 17-CMP
- Science, Core Science, Physical Science
- 1 Program
- 10 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
Included Programs
Core Physics Modern PhysicsRunning time is 30 minutes
People study modern physics and physics.
Chapter List
- 1897 - First Subatomic Particle Found: The Electron
- The atom is made up of subatomic particles, the electron, proton, neutron and nucleus, and were discovered by J.J. Thompson and Ernest Rutherford using a cathode ray tube.
- 1900 - Principles of Quantum Physics
- Quantum Theory or Quantum Physic or, quantum mechanics, was invented by Max Planck, who gave the world electrons, protons and neutrons.
- 1903 - Chaos theory
- Chaos Theory was invented by Benoit Mandelbrot introducing fractals and the butterfly effect.
- 1905 - Einstein's Theories of Special
- Special Relativity and General Relativity, were theories created by Albert Einstein in which he defined the speed of light and produced the formula E=MC2.
- 1925 - Wave-Particle Duality and the Uncertainty Principle
- Wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle are part of Quantum Mechanics created by Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Victor de Broglie, Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac.
- 1942 - First Self-Sustaining Chain Reaction
- E=mc2 was the formula that allowed man to produce Nuclear fission, atomic bomb and nuclear reactors.
- 1964 - Quarks
- Quarks and neutrinos are part of sub-atomic particles discovered by Murray Gell-Mann, and explained Stephen Hawking and superstring theory.
Supplemental Files
- Bubble chamber
- Fractal pattern
- MARC Records for CMP
- MARC records for the series Core Physics Modern Physics
- Modern-relativity laser gun train
- Quark chart
- Quiz
- Solar system model atom
- Teacher Guide
- Timeline
- Transcription for Core Physics Modern Physics