Diabetes: Nutrition and Sugar - Extended Interviews
Three leading experts from academia, nutritional science and medicine provide insights into the world wide type II diabetes epidemic. Since World War II there has been dramatic increase in the number of the people who suffer from type II diabetes. Today, half of Americans are either pre-diabetic or diabetic. The question is how did this happen? Newly revealed answers and possible solutions are presented in this series as well as the dire economic and medical consequences of not dealing with this deadly disease.
- Title ID 163-DNX
- 3 Programs
- 4 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
Related Titles
Included Programs
Tom Jelinek PhDRunning time is 29 minutes
Dr. Jelinek is a renowned cellular biologist. He talks about insulin resistance, the history of diabetes, and the role of glucose.
Sarah Hallberg MDRunning time is 42 minutes
Dr. Hallberg is the director of the most successful diabetes reversal clinic. She talks about the scope of the diabetes epidemic, the insulin resistance, solutions, and the role of diet.
Cecilia Low Wang MDRunning time is 38 minutes
Dr. Low Wang is a leading diabetes endocrinologist and medical practitioner at the division of endocrinology/metabolism/diabetes at University of Colorado and Anschutz School of medicine. In this program, she talks about working with patients diagnosed with diabetes and how insulin plays a role.
Supplemental Files
- MARC Records for DNX
- MARC records for the series Diabetes: Nutrition and Sugar - Extended Interviews
- Transcription for Tom Jelinek PhD
- Transcription for Sarah Hallberg MD
- Transcription for Cecilia Low Wang MD