The Deadly Obesity Epidemic
With over two thirds of Americans overweight or obese, this chronic disease, obesity, has become the number one health problem in our nation and around the world. This disease that is killing our children is barely a blip on the radar of issues that need to be addressed. Why? The Deadly Obesity Epidemic documents how a food environment filled with sugar, sugary drinks and processed food changes people's food processing hormonal balance in such a way that it causes obesity and diabetes. This new understanding challenges the old energy imbalance model of obesity that has set up people to become fat and sick through no fault of their own, or through lack of willpower to control their diet and exercise more. The Deadly Obesity Epidemic challenges the medical community, the food industry and nutritional science to do better, before it's too late. This is a long term global challenge that has both health and economic implications!
- Title ID 156-OBD
- Science, Agriculture, Biology, Medicine
- 1 Program
- 2 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
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The Deadly Obesity EpidemicRunning time is 89 minutes
The cost of the epidemic medically alone in the United States is put at $1 billion a day and growing. Fortunately, new scientific findings… new diets… new exercise programs are emerging.
Supplemental Files
- MARC Records for OBD
- MARC records for the series The Deadly Obesity Epidemic
- Transcription for The Deadly Obesity Epidemic