Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics
Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics presents an overview of a career choice in Nutrition and Dietetics and what is needed to become a Nutritionist or Dietitian, illustrating what makes the them a key component of the modern medical team.
- Title ID 154-DN
- Science, Chemistry, Medicine
- 1 Program
- 3 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
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Career Decisions: Nutrition/DieteticsRunning time is 28 minutes
Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics presents an overview of a career choice in Nutrition and Dietetics.
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - The Science of Nutrition in America
- Chapter 2 - History of Dietetics in America
- Chapter two shows how dietetics has played a major role in preventing, relieving, or curing diseases from the earliest days of the 20th Century to the present.
- Chapter 3 - The Role of the Dietitian
- Chapter three examines the role of the dietitian in patient care as well as the potential of a career in dietetics
- Chapter 4 - Dietitian School
- Chapter four examines the challenges students face in attending schools to become registered dietitians and nutritionists.
Supplemental Files
- Educator's Guide
- MARC Records for DN
- MARC records for the series Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics
- Transcription for DN-001