Core Geology
Throughout history the rise and fall of civilizations has been propelled by the abundance and scarcity of valued resources. At no time has this been truer than in the 21st century. Whether it is the search for oil or silicon to make microchips or uranium to run power plants, the search is directed by geologists. In Core Geology, the building blocks of this most contemporary science are laid out in a logical order, including the meaning of the fossil record.
- Title ID 15-CG
- Science, Core Science, Earth Science, Geology, Physical Science
- 1 Program
- 6 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
Included Programs
Core GeologyRunning time is 33 minutes
Geology is the study of rocks.
Chapter List
- 1669 - The Geological Laws
- The Laws of Geology include the law of super imposition, the principal of original horizonality, and the principle of discontinuity.
- 1812 - Properties of Minerals
- Minerals and crystals can be characterized by Frederick Mohs and the Mohs' Hardness Scale, which gives values to silicates, carbonates, Sulfates, Oxides and Sulfides.
- 1830 - Geology Occurs by Natural Processes
- Charles Lyell and his Principles of Geology and, James Hall and his study of crystals led to the theory of uniformitarianism.
- 1833 - The Three Types of Rocks - Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic
- Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic were discussed by Charles Lyell.
- 1837 - A Past Ice Age is theorized
- Louis Agassiz and his Ice Age ideas led to John Tyndell introducing the concepts of global warming and the greenhouse effect produced by CO2.
- 1907 - Radioactive Decay is Used to Date the Earth
- Using a Geiger counter, Bertrand Boltwood used radioactivity and radioactive decay with their properties of half-lives, including the half life of Carbon 14 to date rocks.
- 1912 - Alfred Wegener Proposes Continental Drift Theory
- Alfred Wegener and his Continental Drift Theory and plate tectonics explained, earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building
- 1972 - Ancient Life and the Fossil Record
- Using the fossil record and fossils, Darwin developed his theory of evolution of a single common ancestor, which became part of paleontology and was further developed by George Cuvier, Stephen Jay Gould, and Niles Eldredge.
Supplemental Files
- Blackline Master Quiz
- Gelogic Time Scale
- MARC Records for CG
- MARC records for the series Core Geology
- Teacher Guide
- Timeline
- Transcription for Core Geology
American Association for the Advancement of Science