American Entrepreneurial Genius
Since 1607, America's great entrepreneurial spirit has created a multitude of inventions, businesses, and advancements that have revolutionized the world. American Entrepreneurial Genius is an extraordinary 14 program series that brings to life the 400-year-old story of over 100 American entrepreneurs including Eli Whitney, Samuel Colt, John D Rockefeller, Levi Strauss, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Mary Kay Ash, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and many others who have molded America into the economic powerhouse of the 21st century.
- Title ID 138-ENT
- History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement, Economics
- 14 Programs
- 16 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Supplemental Files
Included Programs
Program 1: 1607-1789Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1607 - Jamestown, England's First Successful American Colony
- 1713 - Captain Andrew Robinson Designs and Constructs a Schooner
- 1732 - America Initiates Road Infrastructure
- 1750 - German Entrepreneurs Invent the Conestoga Wagon and Flatboat
- 1750 - America Establishes Industrial Base, Paving the Way to Independence
- 1777 - Mary Katherine Goddard Publishes the Declaration of Independence
- 1789 - Alexander Hamilton Shapes America's Modern Industrial Economy
Program 2: 1790 - 1825Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1790 - Samuel Slater, Father of the American Industrial Revolution
- 1794 - Eli Whitney Patents the Cotton Gin
- 1807 - Robert Fulton Awakens the World to the Steamboat
- 1808 - John Jacob Astor Founds the American Fur Company
- 1823 - Chinese Entrepreneur Hung Tai Introduces Sugar Mills to Hawaii
- 1825 - Erie Canal is Completed
Program 3: 1826 - 1850Running time is 27 minutes
Chapter List
- 1831 - Cyrus McCormick Operates His Mechanical Reaper
- 1834 - The Refrigerator: An American Entrepreneurial Story
- 1836 - Samuel Colt Patents Five Shot Revolver
- 1837 - John Deere Invents the First Self-scouring Steel Plow
- 1844 - Samuel F.B. Morse Demonstrates the Telegraph
- 1850 - Expressmen: Butterfield, Wells and Fargo
Program 4: 1851 - 1872Running time is 27 minutes
Chapter List
- 1851 - Isaac Singer Markets His Sewing Machine
- 1857 - Gail Borden's Condensed Milk
- 1869 - Conpletion of the Transcontinental Railroad
- 1870 - Rockefeller Incorporates Standard Oil Co. of Ohio
- 1872 - Aaron Montgomery Ward Starts Catalog Business
Program 5: 1872 - 1888Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1872 - Andrew Carnegie, Father of the American Steel Industry
- 1873 - Levi Strauss Patents Blue Jeans
- 1876 - Henry Heinz and the Rise of Product Branding
- 1876 - Alexander Granham Bell Demonstrates the Telephone
- 1880 - George Eastman Patents Kodak Roll Film
- 1888 - Lue Gim Gong, Father of the Florida Citrus Industry
Program 6: 1889 - 1903Running time is 27 minutes
Chapter List
- 1889 - Thomas Edison Establishes General Electric
- 1893 - Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse Electrify the World
- 1893 - Railroad Magnates Connect the U.S.
- 1902 - Willis Carrier Invents Modern Air Conditioning
- 1903 - Wright Brothers Fly at Kitty Hawk
Program 7: 1904 - 1925Running time is 27 minutes
Chapter List
- 1908 - Ford Introduces the Model T
- 1917 - Boeing, Beech, Cessna and Stearman
- 1919 - Adolph Zukor and Louis B. Mayer Form Hollywood
- 1924 - George Washington Carver, Renaissance Man
- 1925 - Caterpillar Inc. Makes Its Debut in California
Program 8: 1926 - 1955Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1926 - Goddard Initiates the Space Age
- 1927 - Juan Trippe's Pan Am Takes U.S. Aviation International
- 1938 - Chester Floyd Carlson Invents the Photocopy Machine
- 1947 - David Sarnoff, Father of American T.V.
- 1952 - Bill Daniels Pioneers Cable Television
- 1955 - The McDonald Brothers and Ray Kroc
Program 9: 1955 - 1964Running time is 27 minutes
Chapter List
- 1955 - Disneyland, Destination Theme Park
- 1961 - Emilio Azcárraga Brings Hispanic Television to the U.S.
- 1962 - Sam Walton Founds Walmart
- 1963 - Mary Kay Ash Launches Mary Kay Cosmetics
- 1964 - Thomas J. Watson Jr. Announces IBM's 360 Mainframe Computer
Program 10: 1965 - 1973Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1967 - Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha
- 1969 - J.C.R. Licklider Brings the Internet into Existance
- 1971 - Nike, Founded by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight
- 1972 - Allan Alcorn Initiates the Video Game Industry
- 1973 - Frederick Smith Begins Operating FedEx
Program 11: 1974 - 1986Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1975 - Bill Gates and Paul Allen Found Microsoft
- 1976 - Sol Price's Warehouse Store
- 1980 - Ted Turner Launches CNN
- 1983 - Andrew and Peggy Cherng Found Panda Express
- 1986 - Oprah Winfrey, Entertainment Mogul
Program 12: 1987 - 1997Running time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 1987 - Howard Schultz Acquires Starbucks
- 1991 - Robert L. Johnson Goes Public with Black Entertainment Network
- 1991 - John Sie, Founder of Movie Channels Encore & Starz
- 1994 - Jerry Yang Co-founds Yahoo!
- 1995 - Jeff Bezos Opens Amazon for Business
- 1997 - Pierre Omidyar Changes His Company's Name to eBay
Program 13: 1998 - 2004Running time is 27 minutes
Chapter List
- 1998 - Pleasant Rowland Sells the American Girl Company
- 2001 - Steve Jobs Debuts the iPod
- 2003 - Jewish American Mark Zuckerberg Launches Facebook
- 2004 - Google Redefines the Internet
Program 14: 2005 - PresentRunning time is 28 minutes
Chapter List
- 2005 - Youtube's Video Sharing Democratizes Traditional Media
- 2008 - Elon Musk Takes Over Tesla Motors
- 2013 - Netflix's Reed Hastings Produces House of Cards
- 2015 - Jack Dorsey is Renamed CEO of Twitter
- 2015 - Economic Disruptors: Wikipedia and Craigslist
Supplemental Files
- MARC Records for ENT
- MARC records for the series American Entrepreneurial Genius
- American Entrepreneurial Genius - Educators Guide
- Transcription for Program 1: 1607-1789
- Transcription for Program 2: 1790 - 1825
- Transcription for Program 3: 1826 - 1850
- Transcription for Program 4: 1851 - 1872
- Transcription for Program 5: 1872 - 1888
- Transcription for Program 6: 1889 - 1903
- Transcription for Program 7: 1904 - 1925
- Transcription for Program 8: 1926 - 1955
- Transcription for Program 9: 1955 - 1964
- Transcription for Program 10: 1965 - 1973
- Transcription for Program 11: 1974 - 1986
- Transcription for Program 12: 1987 - 1997
- Transcription for Program 13: 1998 - 2004
- Transcription for Program 14: 2005 - Present