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Core Chemistry

No science is more at the core of every technology that supports the seven billion people living on the planet today than chemistry. Chemistry is at the base of the foods, medicines, fuels and materials that are the hallmarks of modern life. Core Chemistry presents how each branch of chemistry - physical chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry - evolved from a clear understanding of the principles and laws of chemical interactions.
  • Title ID 13-CC
  • Science, Chemistry, Core Science
  • 1 Program
  • 5 Supplemental Files
  • 10th Grade through Post Secondary
  • Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Included Programs

Included Programs

Core ChemistryRunning time is 30 minutes

Chemistry brings good things to life.

Chapter List
2 Million B.C. to 1661 - Ancient Chemistry
The study of began with ancient chemistry's use of charcoal the later with the discovery of gunpowder.
1800 - Electrolysis Reveals That Electricity Can Produce a Chemical Reaction
Electrolysis, electricity and static electricity were studied by Luigi Galvanic and Volta, and using their results Wi9lliam Nickerson decomposed water into oxygen, hydrogen, the reverse of which is the fuel cell.
1808 - Atomic Theory of Matter is Announced
Atoms and Atomic Theory started with, Robert Boyle and were further developed by John Dalton.
1828 - Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry is made up of carbon compounds that are polymers of nylon, polyester are two.
1869 - The First Periodic Table
The Periodic Table develop by Mendeleyev arranges atoms and elements in a precise order.
1945 to Present - Catalysts and New Chemicals
Because of the chemical laws, catalysts, bio-catalysts and enzymes are needed to produce new chemical such as ethanol, all of which have led to pharmaceutical industry, biochemical industry and chemical engineering.

Supplemental Files

Blackline Master Quiz - Core Chemistry
Educators Guide - Core Chemistry
MARC Records for CC
MARC records for the series Core Chemistry
Timeline - Core Chemistry
Transcription for Core Chemistry