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18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History

As the 18th Century dawned on the North American continent, four powers; the French, the Spanish, the British and the American Indians were competing to see who would control this remarkable land. 64 pivotal events of this period are depicted.
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18TP $220.00/yr
Individual ProgramsSKUTermPrice
  • 1701 - The English Board of Trade Creates Royal Colonies
  • 1701 - French Return Soldiers to the North American Interior
  • 1701 - Yale College is Founded
  • 1702 - Colonists Sack St. Augustine
  • 1702 - Cotton Mather publishes "The Ecclesiastical History of New England"
  • 1709 - Quakers Erect a Meeting House in Boston
  • 1713 - Treaty of Utrecht
  • 1713 - Capt Robinson Designs and Constructs a Schooner
18TP-001 $27.50/yr
1714 - 1735
  • 1718 - New Orleans is founded
  • 1723 - The Maryland Assembly Requires Free Public Schools in Every County
  • 1729 - The City of Baltimore is Established
  • 1732 - The First Stagecoach Line
  • 1732 - Georgia Becomes the 13th Colony
  • 1732 - Influenza Sweeps Through the Colonies
  • 1733 - The British Parliament Passes the Molasses Act
  • 1735 Peter Zenger Acquitted of Libel in New York
18TP-002 $27.50/yr
1736 - 1750
  • 1739 - The Great Awakening Begins
  • 1739 - Black Uprising in South Carolina
  • 1739 - The War of Jenkins Ear Begins
  • 1739 - 41 - New Explorations
  • 1747 - The Ohio Land Company is Established
  • 1750 - Native American Cultures Dominate the Great Plains
  • 1750 - Parliament Passes Iron Act
18TP-003 $27.50/yr
1750 - 1766
  • 1750 - The Flatboat and Conestoga Wagon
  • 1754 - The Albany Plan of Union
  • 1754 - 1763 The French and Indian War
  • 1760 - James Otis Fights for the Security of People in Their Homes
  • 1763 - Ottawa Chief Pontiac's War for Independence
  • 1765 - The Stamp Act is Passed
  • 1765 - Samuel Adams Forms the Sons of Liberty
  • 1766 - John Singleton Copley Paints "Boys with the Squirrel"
18TP-004 $27.50/yr
1767 - 1776
  • 1767 - Daniel Boone Views Kentucky
  • 1768 - Indiana Co. buys 1,800,000 acres from the Iroquois
  • 1769 - Father Juniper Serra Founds the San Diego Mission
  • 1770 - The Liberty Pole Riot and the Boston Massacre
  • 1773 - The Boston Tea Party
  • 1774 - The First Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia
  • 1775 - Battle of Lexington and Concord
  • 1775 - George Washington Commands Continental Army
  • 1776 - Thomas Paine Publishes "Common Sense"
  • 1776 - The Declaration of Independence
18TP-005 $27.50/yr
1776 - 1783
  • 1776 - Washington Crosses the Delaware
  • 1777 - Congress Mandates the American Flag
  • 1777 - Second Battle of Saratoga
  • 1777 - John Paul Jones Sets Sail
  • 1777 - 78 - The Winter at Valley Forge
  • 1778 - George Rogers Clark Captures Kaskaskia
  • 1781 - The Siege of Yorktown
  • 1783 - The Treaty of Paris and the End of The Revolutionary War
18TP-006 $27.50/yr
1783 - 1790
  • 1783 - Noah Webster Issues "Blue - backed Speller"
  • 1785 - 1787 - Continental Congress Passes Land Ordinance Acts
  • 1786 - Shay's Rebellion
  • 1787 - The United States Constitution is Created
  • 1789 - George Washington Elected First President
  • 1789 - James Madison Proposes the Bill of Rights
  • 1789 - Alexander Hamilton becomes Secretary of the Treasury and Shapes America's Modern Industrial E
  • 1790 - Benjamin Franklin Dies
18TP-007 $27.50/yr
1791 - 1799
  • 1792 - Benjamin Banneker saves the White House
  • 1793 - Congress enacts a Fugitive Slave Law
  • 1794 - The Whiskey Rebellion is Put Down
  • 1794 & 1795 - The Jay and Pinckney Treaties Protect America's Westward Expansion
  • 1796 - John Adams becomes the Second President of United States Inaugurating the Two - Party System
  • 1797 - U.S.S. Constitution is Launched
  • 1798 - Alien and Sedition Acts Usher in a Bleak Period of American Political Freedom
  • 1799 - Eulogy for George Washington Ends the Century
18TP-008 $27.50/yr