A History of Hispanic Achievement in America
- Title ID 22-HHA
- History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
- 8 Programs
- 17 Supplemental Files
- 10th Grade through Post Secondary
- Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications

Included Programs
Spain Comes to the New World (1492 - 1538)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this first program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1492 - Christopher Columbus Arrives in the New World
- Christopher Columbus uses his fleet - the Santa Maria, Nina and the Pinta - to discover America and establish Spanish colonies.
- 1513 - Ponce de Leon Discovers Florida
- Ponce de Leon discovers Florida as one of Spain's leading Conquistadors while looking for the Fountain of Youth.
- 1514 - Bartolome' de las Casas Establishes Anti-Racism Policy in Spanish Colonies
- Bartolome' de las Casas, a priest in the American Spanish Colonies, fought against the Enconmienda System and the policy of Repartimiento and for the rights of Indians and mestizos, after Hernan Cortes conquered Mexico.
- 1519 - Hernan Cortes Brings Horses From Spain to the Americas
- Hernan Cortes, Spain's leading Conquistador, defeated the Aztec Empire, ousting its leader Montezuma.
Spanish American Exploration and Colonization (1539 - 1719)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this second program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1539 - Hernando De Soto Explores Southern U.S.
- Hernando De Soto traveled to the Spanish Colonies, where he joined the ranks of the Conquistadors like Francisco Pizzaro and became a legend by exploring the southern region of North America.
- 1540 - Francisco Vasques de Coronado Maps America's Southwest
- Francisco Vasques de Coronado, one of Spain's greatest Conquistadors in her North American Spanish Colonies, explored the desert southwest, looking for the seven cities of Cibola.
- 1565 - Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles Founds Florida's St. Augustine
- St. Augustine, founded by Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles as the only American Spanish Colony in Florida, utterly destroyed France's St. Caroline colony to establish Spanish supremacy in Florida.
- 1608 - Juan De Onate Expedition Establishes Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Santa Fe, established by Juan De Onate and Juan Martinez de Montoya after the conquistadors' Francisco Coronado, explored the southwest, was the capital of New Mexico, one of the Spanish colonies, and later the central place of an Indian uprising, led by Pope', and later put down by Diego de Vargas.
- 1711 - Gallegos Family, Pioneers of the Desert Southwest
- Haciendas, such as that established by the Gallegos Family in New Mexico, became the way of life in the Spanish Colonies.
Spanish Americans Move Toward Independence (1720 - 1818)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in third first program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1720 - Father Antonio Margil de Jesus Helps Found San Antonio, Texas
- The San Antonio Mission, also known as the San Jose Mission, was founded by Antonio Margil de Jesus, Alamo, who made missions the way of founding Spanish Colonies in North America.
- 1740 - Governor Manuel de Montiano Defends St. Augustine Against English Attack
- St. Augustine's Castillo de San Marco, the most important fort in Florida's Florida, Spanish Colonies, was successfully defended by Manuel de Montiano during the War of Jenkins' Ear against English colonists led by James Oglethorpe, by using freed black slaves housed at Fort Moses.
- 1769 - Junipero Serra Founds a Mission in San Diego
- Father Juniper Serra, founded San Diego and helped foster along the El Camino Real, Spanish colonies and the California mission system.
- 1779 - Bernardo de Galvez Leads Spanish Forces Against Britain in America's Fight for Freedom
- Bernardo de Galvez, a Spanish general, helped American colonists against the British in the Revolutionary War.
- 1810 - Spain's North American Colonists Begin Forging an American Hispanic Identity
- Mexican independence would be the beginning of freedom for all Spanish colonies.
A New Hispanic Identity Emerges (1819 - 1847)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this fourth program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1819 - Luis de Onis Prevents a War Between Spain and the United States
- Luis de Onis, a Spanish diplomat, cedes Florida, last of the Spanish colonies in the United States, to the United States with the Treaty of Amity -the Adams-Onis Treaty.
- 1821 - Don Facundo Melgares Inaugurates Trade on the Santa Fe Trail
- The Santa Fe Trail was supported by Don Facundo Melgares, governor of New Mexico in Santa Fe, when American frontiersman William Becknell pioneered the trail in 1821.
- 1836 - Jose Antonio Navarro and Lorenzo de Zavala, Founding Fathers of the Texas Republic
- Jose Antonio Navarro and Lorenzo de Zavala, two leading Hispanics in Texas, supported Texas independence, which would lead to the Texas Republic first governed by Sam Houston.
- 1836 - Juan Seguin Stands with Americans at the Battle of the Alamo
- Juan Seguin, a Hispanic defending the Alamo in Texas, fought side by side with Crockett, Bowie and Travis, as one of many Tejanos supporting Texas independence.
- 1836 - Juana Briones Establishes San Francisco
- Juana Briones founded San Francisco, California.
Hispanics Become United States Citizens (1848 - 1897)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this fifth program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1848 - The Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo Cedes Mexican Southwest to the United States
- The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican American War, ceded the Mexican Southwest to the United States.
- 1853 - Joaquin Murieta Becomes the Inspiration for the Cisco Kid and Zorro
- Joaquin Murieta, a Robin Hood type bandit from California, who led the gang known as the Five Joaquin's, was the inspiration for the Cisco Kid and Zorro.
- 1855 - Francisco Ramirez Founds the First Spanish Language Newspaper in Los Angeles
- Francisco Ramirez started the first Spanish Language Newspaper, El Clamor Publico, in Los Angeles.
- 1862 - Indian Fighter Rafael Chacon and Kit Carson Defeat the Navajo
- Rafael Chacon was a caballero from New Mexico who with Mountain Man Kit Carson defeated the Navajo
- 1863 - Hispanics Distinguish Themselves in the American Civil War
- Federico Fernandez Cavada and Colonel Santos Benavides were just two of many Hispanics to serve admirably in the civil war.
- 1866 - David Farragut Becomes the First Admiral in the U.S. Navy
- David Farragut, the first admiral of the American Navy, fought in the Civil War, and is known for his legendary words "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"
- 1866 - Mexican Vaqueros Begin the American Cowboy Tradition
- Vaqueros created the craft of the cowboy with their incredibly strong and agile horses, the Spanish mustangs.
Hispanics Become an American Minority (1898 - 1958)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this sixth program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1898 - Spanish American War
- The Sinking of the Maine launches American imperialism to take over Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and destroys the Spanish fleet and makes the reputation of, Teddy Roosevelt.
- 1905 - Noted Philosopher George Santayana Publishes The Life of Reason
- George Santayana wrote The Life of Reason.
- 1929 - United States Begins Its Mexican American Repatriation Campaign
- Mexican American Repatriation sent millions of Mexicans as well as Mexican American citizens back to Mexico.
- 1936 - Dennis Chavez is First Hispanic Elected to the U.S. Senate
- Dennis Chavez was the first Hispanic senator, and in the 21st century the Congressional Hispanic Caucus had grown into a powerful force in American Politics.
- 1944 - Luis Walter Alvarez Helps Develop Atomic Bomb
- Luis Walter Alvarez worked on the Atomic Bomb at Los Alamos and was a great American inventor, who late in life with his son Walter Alvarez proposed an asteroid impact as the reason for the dinosaurs' extinction.
- 1949 - Pancho Gonzales Becomes First Hispanic American Superstar
- Through tennis, stars Pancho' Gonzales and Rosie' Casals would open the door for Hispanic athletes.
Emergence of a Unique Hispanic Culture (1959 - 1968)Running time is 29 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this seventh program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1959 - Ritchie Valens Initiates Hispanic/Latin Renaissance in American Culture
- Ritchie Valens initiated a Latin Renaissance with his Rock and Roll music.
- 1961 - Emilio Azcarraga Brings Hispanic Television to the United States
- Emilio Azcarraga founded Hispanic Television and Spanish International Network in the United States.
- 1963 - Poet William Carlos Williams Wins the Pulitzer Prize
- William Carlos Williams was a leading Hispanic poet who won a Pulitzer Prize for his work.
- 1963 - Joan Baez Sings at Civil Rights March on Washington D.C.
- Singer Joan Baez is a leader of Civil Rights and women's rights.
- 1965 - Cesar Chavez Founds the United Farm Workers of America
- Cesar Chavez founded the United Farm Workers of America, a Farm Workers Association representing Hispanic workers, as Mexican Americans began to work for Chicano rights equal to the sacrifices they made for the United States.
Era of the Hispanic American Hero Begins (1969 - 2007)Running time is 28 minutes
Hispanic Achievement and Latino Achievement are presented in this eighth program on Hispanic Heroes and Colonial History.
Chapter List
- 1969 - Judy Baca Brings the Hispanic Muralist Movement to the United States
- Artist Judy Baca initiates the Hispanic Muralist Movement in Los Angeles.
- 1973 - Roberto Clemente is the First Hispanic Elected into Baseball's Hall of Fame
- Roberto Clemente opens up major league baseball to Hispanic players.
- 1978 - Hispanic Golfer Nancy Lopez Wins Her First LPGA Championship
- Nancy Lopez a Hispanic golfer, becomes the leading women's golfer in the LPGA.
- 1980 - Walter Alvarez Proposes Dinosaur Extinction Caused by Asteroid Impact
- Walter Alvarez proposed the leading cause on dinosaur extinction with his Asteroid impact theory.
- 1986 - Franklin Chang-Diaz Becomes the First Hispanic American in Space
- Franklin Chang-Diaz and Ellen Ochoa were America's first Hispanic astronauts.
- 1990 - Dr. Antonia Novello, First Hispanic Surgeon General
- Dr. Antonia Novello was the first Hispanic appointed Surgeon General of the United States.
- 2001 - Linda Alvarado Wins Horatio Alger Award
- Linda Alvarado, an American Entrepreneur, was a leading Hispanic business woman who won the Horatio Alger Award.
Supplemental Files
- Hispanic Achievement Blackline Master Quizzes
- Hispanic Achievement Teachers Guide
- Historical Document-1819 Treaty Between Spain and the United States
- Historical Document-Columbus's Crew
- Historical Document-Immigration Reform and Control Act
- Historical Document-Texas Declaration of Independence
- Historical Document-Treaty Ending Spanish American War
- Historical Document-Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- MARC Records for HHA
- MARC records for the series A History of Hispanic Achievement in America
- Transcription for Spain Comes to the New World (1492 - 1538)
- Transcription for Spanish American Exploration and Colonization (1539 - 1719)
- Transcription for Spanish Americans Move Toward Independence (1720 - 1818)
- Transcription for A New Hispanic Identity Emerges (1819 - 1847)
- Transcription for Hispanics Become United States Citizens (1848 - 1897)
- Transcription for Hispanics Become an American Minority (1898 - 1958)
- Transcription for Emergence of a Unique Hispanic Culture (1959 - 1968)
- Transcription for Era of the Hispanic American Hero Begins (1969 - 2007)
“This eight-part series... provides a sweeping look at the role and contributions of Hispanics in American history. Patricia Lopez hosts the programs, beginning with Spain Comes to the New World, in which she reminds viewers that 90 Hispanic sailors helped ensure Columbus' success and introduces the role of Bartolomé de las Casas, a Catholic priest who established an antiracism policy in the Spanish colonies, among other historical information... The dramatic narration is supported by crisp, colorful reenactment footage, art prints, vintage visuals, and movie clips.“